Some People Are More Precious Than Others

NEW DELHI: DNU accessed the bio-safety data submitted by Mahyco to GEAC and found certain sections to be erroneous. The section on protein estimation in cooked brinjal says that uncooked non BT brinjal also tested positive for BT protein. How could this be possible unless the data was manipulated – a cut and paste job?

When contacted and confronted with the claim, a senior member of the GEAC said calmly, “After checking the said section, we found that there was a typographical error which we failed to catch. Such things happen. After all we are human beings and things do slip by at times.”

The reporter received an angry reply from the member when asked if he would treat a typographical error in his son’s blood group report based on which a transfusion took place as calmly.  “How can you even suggest such a thing? My God! The two situations are not the same. It’s like comparing apples to oranges. I would sue the crap out of the hospital, doctors and technicians concerned if such a thing happened to a member of my family. They can’t afford to be so careless when lives are at stake.”

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